Meet our Summer Interns!

Here at ONEin3, we are extremely lucky to have FAB-U-LOUS interns each semester and summer 2014 is no exception.   They will be researching, blogging, tweeting, writing and (hopefully) have a ton of fun!  Read up on our new friends below and look out for their awesome work coming to you soon!

Alex Connors

Hi! I’m Alex Connors, a student at Tufts University and one of the new ONEin3 Summer Interns.

Being born and raised in Massachusetts, I’ve always felt a deep connection to the city of Boston. Ever since I started playing tee-ball and decided that I wanted to play for the Red Sox, I have always imagined myself spending my life here. (This future became even more solidified in my mind when I turned eleven and no letter from Hogwarts arrived in the mail).

Boston always seemed like the Emerald City, magical and larger than life. But now, as a student at Tufts University, Boston has become accessible and open to exploration, and my life here has become a reality. I chose to major in Political Science and Economics because I felt that this course of study would best qualify me to be able to have a positive impact on my city. And here at ONEin3 I hope to begin to do just that, as well as develop a solid understanding of how I can be most effective at making a difference in Boston. Because, no matter where I end up, I will always define success in my life by my proximity to Fenway Park.

I’ll be blogging here throughout the summer, so let me know if you have any great ideas for content to share, and if you have anything to contribute, we might feature you on our Twitter, Facebook, or Blog!

Erick Pinos

Hey, I’m Erick.  I’m a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and I’m one of ONEin3’s newest summer interns.

Growing up in Hawthorne, New Jersey, has given it a special place in my heart.  When I decided I wanted to start giving back to the community, I created a town green map to raise environmental awareness and launched a summer tech workshop for kids.

Getting the opportunity to go to school at MIT and live in Boston was like winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.  “America’s Walking City” continues to overwhelm me with all of its rich history culture.  As a Computer Science and Electrical Engineer major, my love for technology has driven me to search for new ways to bring people together and form lasting communities.  Seeking to do that in Boston, I found ONEin3, whose mission to bring people closer together is one that I’m passionate about.  I hope to help make positive change in Boston and make it better for everyone.

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