ONEin3 Spotlight: Fresh Ideas Address Healthcare Communication Challenges


The team at Verbal Applications is fresh out of college (2012 engineering grads of Boston University) but have already made big waves with their software service that improves communication between caregivers and patients.

The VerbalCare system uses an iPad to transmit requests from patients to nurse stations using customizable picture-icons.  The system allows patients to select from a variety of options to inform care staff of their exact needs, enabling patients with disabilities, specifically non-verbal patients, to make their requests heard.

The technology is currently used on three continents but the Verbal team chose to stay in Boston because they view it as the hub of medical innovation.  Being surrounded by brilliant minds within a collaborative entrepreneurial atmosphere is the perfect platform for them to work on improving the standard of healthcare through better communication.

Secretary of State John Kerry tipped his hat to the VerbalCare system saying it “represents an important next step in the delivery of quality healthcare.”  Not only does the technology improve communication between patient and caregiver, it helps hospitals operate more effectively through metrics provided by the VerbalCare cloud platform.

The team is not bashful about their desire to continue to grow and improve.  When not working on Verbal, co-founder and CEO Nick Dougherty says his favorite thing to do is learn. “Whether it’s the Museum of Science, a university classroom, a conference, a networking night, or a party in an Allston basement, there are always opportunities to learn something new.”

Boston’s Winter Festivities!

Frog Pond’s NYE firework.

By ONEin3 Intern Angela Wang

As many of you probably noticed (or enjoyed), Boston snowed last week! Although we haven’t got enough snow for a snow ball fight or to build snowmen, there are still a lot of fun activities we get to enjoy in this chilly weather in Boston. Mayor Menino has put together a list of public events for the Bostonians this winter (from November to January), that we encourage you to check out!

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ONEin3 Housing Team Presents: DID YOU KNOW? A guide for the prospective homebuyer

Building on last week’s post about ONEin3 Nicole Devlin’s home-buying experience, ONEin3 brings you: DID YOU KNOW? A guide for the prospective homebuyer (click to download)! The guide helps to identify obstacles to home ownership among ONEin3ers and educate young adults on the process of achieving home ownership.  For more information about home buying and rooting yourself in Boston, checkout our resource page Live in Boston.


Interview with a ONEin3 First Time Home Buyer - Charlestown Edition

With all the seeming challenges, you may think buying in Boston is an impossible feat. To humanize the process, the ONEin3 Housing team is interviewing ONEin3 homebuyers who made it through the home buying experience.  Our first interview is with Nicole Devlin who works in fundraising at Tufts Medical Center, and purchased her home in Charlestown in 2011. (For more information about first-time home buying in Boston, check out: DID YOU KNOW: A guide for the prospective home buyer.)

Are you originally from the area?

Yes, I grew up in West Roxbury.

What made you want to purchase a home?

The biggest reason was that paying rent was getting more and more painful. I was paying someone else’s mortgage. Also the extremely low interest rates of September 2011 were very attractive.

When did you start the process?

I started looking at condos about a year and a half prior to purchasing just to see what was out there.

What were some of the things you looked for when choosing your home?

I knew I wanted a 2-bedroom condo. I considered size of the unit and proximity to the MBTA. I was looking for something move-in ready and recently updated, and I knew that I didn’t want to be in a place longer than 5 -7 years.

About how many homes did you look at before deciding on a Charlestown condo?

I looked at a lot of condos - too many to count.  There are a lot of places in the city that look much more appealing on real estate listings. It’s amazing what people call two bedrooms.

What does your condo look like?

It’s a two bedroom, two bath. The building is a big house with four condos that were gutted and renovated in 2007. My condo has an open floor plan and was move-in ready. I didn’t have to work on it at all besides decorating. It has high ceilings which makes the space feel much larger than it actually is.

What was the negotiating process like?

Negotiation was relatively straightforward. I had a great real estate broker who was extremely helpful. He had a very clear idea of what you could get the property for, and helped me get a great deal on my condo.

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