What’s better than a cup of coffee and some conversation about why Boston is great and what we could be doing to improve the City for the ONEin3 Demographic? Sign up for Office Hours with ONEin3 Manager Chloe Ryan.

 With more than one third of Boston’s population between the ages of 20-34, Boston is home to the highest proportion of young adults out of any major city in America. ONEin3 is the City’s initiative to continue to attract and retain Boston’s young adult population.

ONEin3 Manager Chloe Ryan will host office hours every Thursday from 10 am - 12pm at City Hall. Office Hours are open to all young adults to meet with Chloe and discuss living, working and putting down roots in Boston. We want you to make Boston your home, so the City can continue to be  awesome because of our young people! To sign up for office hours, e-mail with the subject line “Office Hours”

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